Stupid time

We just started a new period of stupid time and now they are planning to make stupid time permanent. It was not bad enough that we changed clock time twice a year but now they want to make stupid time year round.

Level of hostility.

I remember a cartoon many years ago that showed a time and temperature sign that included a quality of life percentage. I think that we need to monitor the level of hostility in the world. How close to 100% is it and what can we do to reduce the hostility that is consuming us? We need to learn about nonviolence. We need to learn to distinguish between positive and negative energy. We need to learn to get along together.

What did Benjamin Franklin mean about hanging together or hanging separately? Unless we learn to get along together we may end up killing each other.

Domination culture.

Domination culture is the real plague destroying world society.

(Originally written on the 11th of April 2021.)

Who are the leaders?

If we are going to replace the governments and rulers of the world with leaders I would ask who are the leaders?

We need to identify and support the leaders of all the regions and cultures of the world so people can abandon their governments and rulers and achieve true freedom.

What part of freedom don’t you understand?

The difference between a mandate and a requirement is the element of freedom. A mandate denies freedom of choice. A requirement allows the choice of complying with the requirement and achieving access or not complying with the requirement and not gaining access.

Military leader is an oxymoron.

Military leader is a supreme example of an oxymoron. The rampant misuse of the word leader when referring to a ruler shows either exceeding mental confusion or willful intent to mislead. Another example often seen is autocratic leader. The essential difference between a leader and a ruler is the use of force. True leaders have no need nor desire to use force. Rulers always use force due to the bankruptcy of their ideals or beliefs. Anyone in a government or military position is not a leader. They are rulers or commanders. They are part of the domination culture.

Perhaps the word leader is used in cases where elections were involved in the mistaken belief that a ruler who is elected does not use force. We need to differentiate between rulers and leaders in the hope that the overabundance of rulers and the shortage of leaders may balance out and we may hope to find more freedom.

Adding insult to injury.

It was bad enough that they made it mandatory to do business with insurance companies and then I heard that an attorney general claimed that 50% of premiums went to pay for insurance fraud.

Now I find on my California auto liability insurance bill that I have to pay an additional charge of 88c twice a year for a California Fraud Assessment Recoupment.

That means that I have a mandatory fee to pay for fraud and then an added fee to pay to investigate the fraud. What is the definition of grand theft?

Memorial day.

Traditionally a memorial day for all the soldiers who have died in the wars but how about a memorial for all the victims of gun violence and also a memorial for all the victims of this most recent plague. They all are victims and all should be remembered.

How long is the January river?

How long is the January river? You may think that you have never heard of the January river but you almost certainly have heard of the city known by its three letter name. Portuguese and Spanish for river is rio and you almost certainly have heard of Rio de Janeiro.

It was January of 2021 when I wondered how long the January river is and found out that it doesn’t exist. In January 1502 it was named because there was expected to be a river that never was.